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1870 Plantersville Precinct
PAGE 1-(Household #1/1-8/8-Oden, Shepard, Taggart, McCary, Woodson, Davis and ???)
PAGE 3-(Household #16/16-23/25-Barnes, Morrow, Crum, Morrow, Geiger, Peeples, Oden, Cooper, and Knox
PAGE 4-(Household #24/26-30/32-Mosley Peeples, Hill, Harvill)
PAGE 5-(Household #1/1-8/8-Oden, Shepard, Taggart, McCary, Woodson, Davis and ???)
PAGE 6-(Household #1/1-8/8-Oden, Shepard, Taggart, McCary, Woodson, Davis and ???)
PAGE 7-(Household #1/1-8/8-Oden, Shepard, Taggart, McCary, Woodson, Davis and ???)
PAGE 8-(Household #1/1-8/8-Oden, Shepard, Taggart, McCary, Woodson, Davis and ???)
PAGE 9-(Household #1/1-8/8-Oden, Shepard, Taggart, McCary, Woodson, Davis and ???)