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    Excerpts from Minutes of Plantersville Baptist Church


January 28, 1912:

Church met in regular Conference on 4th Sunday in Jan 1912.  Preaching by Pastor Bro. J.M. Woods.  After Preaching church went in conference.  There being no Old Business on table, New Business was then taken up.  And Bro. Joe and Sister Nellie Arnold asked for letters of Dismission to unite with the Babtist church at Fayette which were granted & clerk instructed to send them.  There being no further business, conference adjourned until the 4th Sunday in Feb.  Paid to F.M. Woods $17.00.

F.M. Woods, Mod.

W.N. Reynolds, clerk


September 21, 1913: Plantersville, Ala.

A call conference met today at 11o’clock.  J.G. Milling acting as mod.

1.       Clerk was absent, O.H. Barnes was appointed to act as clerk.

2.       Appointing a committee on resolution on the death of Bro. Woods:  J.E. Mattison, T.J. Johnson and J.G. Gay.

3.       The election of a committee to go to Maplesville to meet the committee from Stanton, Maplesville and Billingsley Church for nominating of a pastor or pastors.  Committee elected:  J.G. Gay, W.M. Price, T. G. Milling, Dr. Wallace, J.L. Moulden, W.J. Coker, J.E. Mattison and O.H. Barnes.

4.       Electing of Bro. J.L. Moulden as a regular Deacon.

5.       The Church invited bro. S.D. Munroe to preach for us at 11 o’clock P.M. Sept 25.

6.       Adj.

T.G. Milling Mod.

W.N. Reynolds, C.C.


The Church met in conference July 24th 1915.

Bro. R.R. Brasher, acting Moderator.

First business to come before the church was the disposition of the money, which was contributed for the purpose of sending our pastor to the Southern Baptist Convention in May of this year. The occasion for said disposition of said money being due to the fact that Bro. Brasher failed to get his money thus contributed from some of his other churches, in time to get the benefit of the special rate in effect at this time.  Owing to the small collections for pastor’s salary for two previous months, due to there being no preaching at the church in May on account of High School closing exercises; and on account of rain in June.  By motion and second the church gave the money thus collected for conventional purposes to the pastor.  Bro. T.G. Milling made a motion to release the committee appointed to raise money to finish paying for trees and work done on and around the church.  The Ladies Missionary Union having paid this indebtedness, the committee was released in due form.

A party was appointed to attend to the building during the revival services.

Letter for Bro. M.C. Cook and wife were asked for and granted.

There being no further business to come before the conference a motion with second to adjourn was forthcoming.

R.R. Brasher, Mod.

F.S. Connell, Clerk



The Church met in conference Feb. 27th, 1916.

Bro. R.R. Brasher, Moderator.

The deacons recommend to the church to instruct the clerk to correspond with any members who are permanently located near some other church and who are not attending or in any way helping this church and try to get them to call for their letters or assist us in financing the church.  By motion and second this was passed and also for the church to furnish necessary postage to carry on said correspondence. The clerk was also requested to furnish the deacons with the entire church enrollment showing those who contribute and those who do not.  Letters were requested and granted as follows: 

Foy A. Rollins and Wife

Grady Williams and Wife

A.C. Neilly and Wife

There being no further business to come before the church a motion with a second to adjourn was forthcoming.

R.R. Brasher, Moderator

F.S. Connell, Clerk


Plantersville, Ala. May 5,1918

Pastor C.J.Bentley being sick the Presbyterian Pastor preached for him at the Baptist Church. Had special prayer for soldier boys of the Church, also a special prayer for Mrs. Mattison who is not expected to live but a short while.  At close of service a business meeting was called, no general business. New business was appointing J.L. Moulden and O.H. Barnes to try to see if some of the Church could make a change with some of the churches in order that we might hold our pastor and that he might preach for us on the first Sunday in each month.  No other business, meeting adj.


J.L.Moulden, Acting Moderator

O.H. Barnes, Ch C.


Plantersville, Ala.

We the members of Plantersville Baptist Church, set aside this page in this Book a memory of our young beloved, Bro. George Pratt Mattison, who was killed in battle in action in France, on the first day of July 1918.  He was killed while defending our Country in trying to upbuild Christian civilization and humanity for the cause of our God the Father of all.  And for the love for his country and for the good and faithful parents who reared him.  We the members of this Church shall ever cherish the names of his good Mother who has gone on before him only about 15 days to reap the reward laid up for them and shall always remember this bright noble young man.  And shall remember the bereaved family in all their trouble coming on them at this time. 


            By order of Conference

            September 1st, 1918

            C.J. Bentley, Mod.

            O.H. Barnes, Ch.C.






Oct 18, 1918

No services today on account of all gathering places closed to stop the spread of Flue.


November 11, 1948

Regular Services by Pastor.  Just a few days before this service Mr. W.C. Herrod said he would levi the Baptist Church a lot joining the Church lot, make a deed to same.  So the Church was called in Conference after the Services and a Committy was named to get out and see how much money could be raised.  They had very good luck and we told Mr. Herrod to make the Deed.

J.W. Friday CC

J.R. Robinson, Mod.   


January the 9, 1949:

Regular Service preaching by Pastor.  The Church Call to Conference.  The Committee repoarted the amt of money collected and agreed to start the Building so on the 11th of January the Building was started.   The money was used and was not enough money to complet same.

J.W. Friday CC

J.R. Robinson, Mod.


November 9, 1952

Plantersville Baptist Church met in regular Church Conference at end of Church Services. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.  Church Clerk presented two recommendations of Board of Deacons as follows: (1) Recommend that Bro. Henry Houston be instructed to supervise the painting of outside woodwork of Pastorium, cost estimated around $60.00. (2) Recommend that some plan be instituted for Building Fund.  One plan suggested was special Bldg. Fund envelope be passed out and another plan was a small replica of church be placed in vestibule of Church to receive offering.  Both recommendations were accepted by the Church and to be put in operation. Bro. E.P. Jones elected to act as Treasurer of Building Fund and to take the offerings each Sunday and to post totals each Sunday.  The funds to pay for painting Pastorium, were authorized to be paid from Church Treasury.  Bro Robinson brought up the matter of a Church Finance Committee, this to be elected in 2 weeks and to serve the full year.

            There being no other business, conference was adjourned.

            Bro. J.R. Robinson, Moderator

            Bro. E.P. Jones, Church Clerk


January 10, 1954

Plantersville Baptist Church met in regular Church Conference at the close of Church Services. Minutes of last meeting were read and no corrections noted.  Bro. Robinson stated the business that had been carried over from last conference.  This was the adoption of the Budget with two amendments.  These amendments were: (1) Putting a copy of “Home Life” in every home and (2) Full time services for our church.  Bro. Henry Houston restated his suggestion that the church enter into full time services and presented this as a motion.  This was seconded by Bro Vincent Pierson.  After some discussion, Bro. Gay moved that the question of full time services be voted on in the negative first. This was so ordered, in the question “Does the church wish to enter full time services?”  The vote was No’s 18, Yes’s 37.  Bro. Murry Barnes, then presented again the church budget with these amendments.    This was carried with no opposition.  This budget would be subject to amendments necessary to carry out the Church’s wishes. Bro. John W. Herrod reported for Committee on subject of Mission S.S. at Mill.  His report was that the W.M.U. had conducted a survey and they found that the majority preferred to attend Sunday School at the Church if transportation could be arranged.  This was taken care of by volunteers until a program could be arranged to provide transportation each Sunday.  Bro. John W. Herrod said that if attendance at S.S. could be maintained he would guarantee that the money would be provided to carr in full time work.  Bro. Robinson suggested that Bro. John Herrod appoint a committee to provide transportation for these from the mill.  Bro. Murry Barnes brought the Treasurer report for the year 1953 and in a motion, it was agreed to place this report in the Church’s minutes to become a part of permanent record of the Church.  There being no other business conference was adjourned Bro. J.R. Robinson, Mod.

Bro.E.P. Jones, C.C.


Nov. 14, 1957

The regular business meeting of Plantersville Baptist Church was held on Thursday night at 7:30.  After a Song and Prayer the Pastor expressed his thanks to the church for giving him an opportunity to attend the Convention and gave a few pointers and highlights of the convention.  Following this Bro. Weaver brought the Scripture reading and Bro. Barnes offered the Prayer.  The Conference was called to order by the Pastor.  The minutes of last conference were read and approved.  There was no unfinished business noted. No reports from the Committee were presented.  The Clerk presented the following recommendation from the Deacons.  1)   The Deacons recommend that the church purchase heating element for heating water in Baptistry.  This recommendation was so carried by the church (2)  The Deacns recommend that church elect two members to join with 2 Deacons, Bro. J.C. Baskin and Bro. Vincent Pierson, Pastor and Church Clerk.  These Six to comprise the By-Laws Committee”. This recommendation was so carried, and Mr. Willie Smith and Mrs. Beth Wilson were duly elected to serve on this committee.  Each member of Committee was requested to receive copy of By-Laws of other churches to aid in setting up these By-Laws.


Feb. 26, 1964   

Committee of deacons, W.M.U. and Church presented following plan for Sunday March 8, 1964.  (1.)  Serve Dinner at Church, all to bring Big Basket.  (2) Burning of mortgage Ceremony.  John Herrod to present History, Bro. Houston to hold mortgage.  Bro. Robinson to apply flame while all of church reading in unison a prepared reading.  This recommendation so accepted by Church.


March 8, 1964

Following an inspirational message by Bro. J.R. Robinson, Jr. the church was called into special conference by Bro John Herrod, for Note Burning Ceremony.  Scripture, Psalms 132, was read by Bro. J.R.Robinson who gave a few remarks following this. The History of our church prepared by Miss M.E. Hardy and added to by Bro. John Herrod was read to the church by Bro. John Herrod.   Bro. J.C. Baskin was called to lead the church in reading in unison a prepared reading expressing our Thanks to God for giving us leadership and guidance to overcome this church debt.  During this reading the fire was applied to the note by Bro. J.R. Robinson, while the note was held by Bro. Henry Houston, Contractor and Builder of our church.  For the Benediction of Praise to God, all joined in singing the Doxology.

Respectfully submitted Bro. John Herrod, Mod.

Bro. E.J. Jones, C.C.


March 11, 1964

Following song and scripture by Bro. John Herrod, a season of Prayer was entered into by Church being led by Bro. J.C. Baskin.  Following the Church was called into regular church conference when minutes were read and approved.  An expression of thanks came to the committee for Note Burning Ceremony and Day of Worship on 2nd Sunday in March.  No unfinished business was known.  Under committee reports S.S. showed a slight increase.  Under new Business it was stated church’s need for a historian.  Motion that nominating committee present historian to church was so carried.  A written copy of note burning ceremony was asked and Planning Committee for this service was asked to present this to Alabama Baptist for publication.  There being no other business known conference was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted Bro. John Herrod, Mod.

Bro. E.P. Jones, C.C.

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